Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Stressed Out?

What is the stress level like at your workplace? Employees are worried about finances, about getting all of the work done with fewer people, and about whether or not they will continue to have a job. Workplace stress is the most frequently cited reason U.S. employees consider leaving their jobs. According to two surveys by Watson Wyatt Worldwide, employers acknowledge that stress is affecting business performance, but few are taking steps to address it. Is your company doing anything to help employees handle the stress?


  1. I highly agree about this issue. The irony is when companies push "excellent service" for employees to serve their clients, but the company itself does nothing to boost the moral that is needed for the employees to feel their best. Overworked, underpaid, and stressed out employees are simply not going to be able to perform what is expected from them. The first two factors may be unavoidable because of the economy, but management should have the duty of maintaining healthy stress levels of the company. On a related note, they just installed a slushy maker here. moral +1! :)

  2. With the recent emphasis on health care, I think that stress levels are becoming more of a concern to some employers. There have been many studies linking stress to serious health ailments.

    The slushy maker is a great idea! I'm sure that your company will get a return on that investment. What a nice perk - keeps everyone chilled!

    I've heard of some companies bringing back the "Company Picnic" this summer as a low cost alternative to the big employee party. There are ways to show employees they are appreciated and I beleive that most understand how the economy is impacting the organization. But, if employees feel they are being mistreated, they'll start looking elsewhere.
